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Mitigating Human Error & Operational Risk By Creating A Robust Automation Roadmap

inside manufacturing facility

Increasingly, companies and manufacturers are turning to automation and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to reduce IT staff time, bolster efficiency and create an environment conducive to the successful implementation of digital transformations.

Why the Smart Factory is Paying Dividends for Early Adapters

smart factory

Smart factories and increased automation are providing manufacturers with a modern solution so that they can drive their innovations faster, whether to reduce waste, lower energy use and/or address worker shortages. The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is all about automated systems that can connect to each other and exchange data to accomplish such needs and goals. Here’s how and why early adapters are already seeing the benefits of this new world order in manufacturing.

Why Virtual Commissioning is the Future of Development for Automated Systems

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A virtual commissioning is one of the most exciting new developments in the world of automation. It allows the full testing of automated systems, virtually saving time and money in the implementation process. Here’s an overview of virtual commissioning and why it’s the future of development for manufacturers using automated systems.

How Open Source Systems are Changing the Manufacturing Industry

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Open source systems have been around in the world of computing for quite some time, but have been slow to impact industrial automation. Open source systems allow for greater standardization and integration of automated systems, making their implementation easier and more affordable. Below is an introduction to open source software and some of the ways its having an impact in the manufacturing industry.

How the Automation Boom Is Impacting These Top Industries

Automotive Industry Automation

With advancements in automation technology, you may wonder if we’re headed for a jobless future. Many futurists and economists are considering this as a possibility. However, as seen in the Industrial Revolution, technological progress was benefiting all sections of society, including the working class. Automation may replace human jobs, but they also create new ones. Below are top industries experiencing an automation boom and how this affects our labour market.

5 Reasons Why US Manufacturing Needs Automation More Than Ever

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The US has revolutionized the manufacturing industry with its numerous contributions, such as introducing the assembly line. But in today's industries, it's falling behind. Robotic technology for automation continues to develop at a rapid pace—and the US manufacturing industry needs to catch up. Here are five reasons why US manufacturers need to invest in automation more than ever.

TTC Automated Train Control Soon to Be a Reality

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TTC's decades-old subway trains, most which date from the 1970s, will soon be replaced with shiny new trains by 2020. However, it's not just the trains that are being replaced. Much like their counterpart the self driving car, a new automated signalling system that can run without human input will drastically improve the lives of Toronto commuters.