Introduction to Automation

This module provides a general overview of automation systems and the role of automation in industry. It also covers the basic principles of flexible automation and flexible manufacturing systems. The advantages of automation are outlined, and the main components associated with automation systems are explored. Automation safety is also discussed in detail. An introduction to automation simulation is presented with an emphasis on practical application.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Define the term automation.
  • List three advantages of using automation systems.
  • Name six factors affecting the original design of PLCs.
  • Describe the role of automation in industry.
  • Define flexible automation.
  • Differentiate between economy of scale and economy of scope.
  • List three examples of continuous flow processes.
  • Describe the purpose of a flexible manufacturing system.
  • Explain the difference between DCS, RCS and CCS.
  • Define automation simulation and explain its advantages.
  • Name three considerations for automation safety.