PLC Math Instructions

This module provides an overview of basic and advanced mathematical functions found in the Logix 5000 PLC. It provides thorough coverage of data comparison instructions such as SQR, EQU, LES, and GRT. In addition, this module provides a foundation for more advanced programming techniques including analog input and output control. Topics such as combining math functions, averaging, scaling and ramping are presented with an emphasis on practical application and are demonstrated using PLCLogix lab simulation.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Name the four main PLC mathematical functions.
  • List three types of data comparison.
  • Add and subtract numbers using PLC instructions.
  • Write a ladder logic program using MUL and DIV instructions.
  • Define the terms scaling and ramping.
  • Use LES, GRT, and EQU instructions in a ladder logic program.
  • Write a program using the SQR instruction.
  • List three advanced math operations.
  • Describe the purpose of an AVE instruction.