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How Robotics Are Helping Change the Workforce

Robotic arms working

The recent challenges our world has been facing has provided an opportunity for robotics to become more involved in every aspect of automation. The pandemic, coupled with the increasing need to reduce carbon footprints, has shown how robots are changing the workforce and traditional work process. On top of that, the ongoing stresses being applied to global supply chains and workforce shortages have become a concern. 

Can GBC Online Technical Certificate Programs Accommodate My Busy Schedule?

Person working on a table

You might be hoping to advance your career in manufacturing or want to get into a new field of work and need technical training, yet your fixed schedule cannot fit into the timetable of many training programs. If this resonates with you, consider training that can be worked into your schedule.

How Much Do Automation Technicians Make in 2021?

Technician at work

Industrial automation control systems have surged in use with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, as manufacturers begin integrating advanced automation technologies to improve equipment and labour efficiencies. One of the current challenges the industrial automation industry faces is a shortage of skilled and experienced automation technicians to fill in-demand positions.

How Robots Are Changing Distribution and Fulfillment Warehouses

Robotic arm carrying a box

“Winona” was facing a unique problem. She has been working as the Director of Sales and Operations of a local retail chain. They just launched their e-commerce site and because orders are flowing in, they have acquired two new fulfillment centers in the suburbs. Workers were divided into three shifts: preparing, packaging, and delivering customer orders from 6AM – 12AM. With the pandemic and resulting lockdowns, Winona had a dwindling workforce, but still saw a steep rise in online orders.

Comparing the Top Industrial Robotics Brands

Man checking on robotics

Robots have been a fascination in our society, dominating pop culture through TV and movies for decades. But it’s likely that the general population is only vaguely aware of industrial robots and the global brands that manufacture them. 

The Difference Between a Certification, a Certificate, a Diploma and an Associate’s Degree

The difference chart

Looking for new training opportunities but you aren’t sure which type of education would suit your needs best? Confused about the different types of education that are being offered and not sure what their differences are? Depending on whether you are looking to get into a new area of study or whether you want to advance your career by adding other credentials, all four options below can be useful.

Robotics Trends to Look for in 2021

A man's hand controlling robotic arms through controller

Robots have been growing in use in the industrial world since the early 1970s. They’re continuing to be deployed and utilized within the industrial sector, but also increasingly in other sectors as 2021 continues. The crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the increasing need to reduce overall carbon footprints, has pushed robotics even further beyond traditional uses within manufacturing environments.