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The Technologies Transforming Industries 4.0

Woman on a tablet with robotic arm in the background

1. Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or often referred to as Industry 4.0, is currently underway in all aspects of the global economy. Industry 4.0 represents the ongoing automation of both the traditional manufacturing processes and other industrial practices across non-manufacturing sectors of the economy.

How Robotics and IoT Are Changing the Trucking Industry

Man on a tablet with trucks in the background

In recent years, we’ve grown accustomed to the integration of smart technologies into our everyday lives. For manufacturing and industrial practices, this ongoing automation using modern smart technologies is referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution aka. Industry 4.0.

System Requirements for the Automation Technician Online Certificate Program

What Computer Will I Need for the Certificate Programs

If you’re considering taking one of our online technical training certificate programs, maybe you’ve been wondering what kind of a computer you need to install our program curriculum and simulation software.

Luckily, the technical requirements are modest, so most computers will meet them.

The three system requirements are:

4 Ways to Keep Up to Date with the Technology Changes in the Manufacturing Industry

Industrial site with virtual links

Keeping up with the technology changes in the manufacturing/industrial industry is important to stay relevant in your job/career. With the world changing so quickly, it’s always a good idea to stay in the loop and know what the current and future trends are, and take advantage of opportunities to grow. But how can one keep up with the industry?

Below are 4 ways to stay up to date:

Self-Driving Vehicles in Smart Factories

Self driving AGV with forklift carrying container box beside conveyor

Autonomous vehicles, once relegated to works of science fiction and, more recently, among the technologies that “weren’t quite there yet”, are actually becoming a much more common sight – and not just on the test tracks used by large auto manufacturers. Autonomous, self-driving vehicles are quickly making themselves a fixture of the smart factory floor in a way that is revolutionizing operations.

Three Tech Trends in Industrial Manufacturing

Solar panel manufacturing

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, is constantly and rapidly evolving. New technological advancements in industrial smart factories seem to be happening all the time. This article will take a look at some of the biggest current tech trends in industrial manufacturing.

GBCTechTraining Student Satisfaction - A 2020 Survey Review

We work hard at improving the quality of our programs and our student experience. One way we do this is by asking our graduates, who have recently completed a program, for their feedback about the key elements of our programs and their experience with us through a satisfaction survey.  Upon completion of their program, students are invited to complete the survey. It includes 13 questions where we ask students to evaluate us using a rating system ranging from unsatisfactory to excellent.