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2020 Holiday Hours


The holiday season is almost here, and we wanted to update you on how the holiday break will impact our technical, tutorial, and administrative support.

Office Hours

The Student Support Center itself will close at 10 pm on Wednesday December 23, 2020, and will reopen on Tuesday morning, January 5, 2021.


The Benefits of Smart Manufacturing Factories

smart manufacturing factories

We’ve all heard the words “work smarter, not harder”, and can probably all agree that their original intention was to inspire workers to find efficiencies that would make their lives a little easier. Regardless of the intended usage, there’s one sector in particular that has taken to the spirit of working smarter, not harder: manufacturing. 

How to Access your eCertificate when you Graduate your Program

Covid19 has brought with it a number of changes, with social distancing and work-from-home measures becoming common.  At GBCTechTraining, these changes mean that while our online programs are still available, George Brown College has closed its physical buildings to most staff and students and we are working remotely.  As a result of this closure, you are now able to access your Certificate online as an eCertificate, in addition a printed copy of the Certificate will autom

Smart Factories Integrate PLCs, Automation and Robotics

Smart Factories Integrate PLCs, Automation and Robotics

The beginning of this, the third decade of the new millennium, may have started out rather bleak, but it does not mean that things like innovation or advances in technology have come to a grinding halt. In fact, quite the opposite is true. As we find ourselves in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (more commonly referred to as Industry 4.0) the adoption of automated machinery in the manufacturing sector shows no indication of slowing down.

How to Use GBC Tech Student Forums

student forums

Online education has brought numerous advantages to learning, such as making education more accessible, and in some ways, more interactive and engaging. However, it has also brought some unique challenges. Feelings of isolation, difficulties with self-direction as well as time management issues are common among students in online courses. Students may feel isolated if there aren’t resources or opportunities available to interact with faculty or other students.

5G & Future Smart Factories: How Will 5G Affect Factory Automation

Aerial view of manufacturing facility

A game changer. A catalyst. The dawn of a new age. These are just some of the ways industry leaders are describing the impact 5G technology will bring to the manufacturing and automation sectors. Industry buzz is one thing, but what exactly are the benefits associated with 5G that smart factories of the future can expect? What will its application mean for Industry 4.0?

3 Reasons Why Students and Alumni should Join Our Private GBCTechTraining Facebook Group

facebook group cover

Online programs can be a challenge for students, especially when the lack of in-person interaction is paired with learning new and unfamiliar technology. Our team has worked hard on creating a number of platforms and tools to help students become a part of the community, build professional relationships, and discover job opportunities. You can access all of this through our private Facebook group.